IN U.S.A. : +1 877 243-4277 Tel. : +52 (81) 8307-8367 Ave. Sendero Norte, 510 Col. Balcones de Anáhuac

Study Case

  1. Subassembly components involved technology critical to EPA emission compliance.
  2. Critical components from 2 different non-US suppliers.
  3. Needed to track lot information for new components to ESN.
  4. Component function critical for engine performance.
Action Plan:
  1. Falcon Manufacturing asked to provide mechanism to track lot information.
  2. New subassembly process designed by Falcon Manufacturing.
  3. One piece material flow, fail-safe’s, lot control and product serialization implemented for all parts.
  4. Worked with Tier II suppliers to modify bar code of incoming material to include lot information.
  5. Falcon Manufacturing developed software to scan barcode and tie lot information into job order.
  6. Each subassembly component is given unique serial number.
  7. Each returnable container is given a unique serial number.
  8. Barcode information contains serial number, all lot information for components, and all manufacturing data.
  9. Worked with customer to tie software program into the production line.
  10. Each subassembly is scanned prior to installation.
  11. All barcode information is tied to ESN for tracking of all component lot information.
  1. Able to track all lot information for overseas suppliers.
  2. Serialization of parts and containers allowed for quick and efficient containment as design issues were worked through.
  3. Lot control process, along with scanning at the production line, allowed for design changes to be tracked seamlessly.
  4. Technologies allowed all parties to be ahead of design

Large Automotive Supplier

Locationn Indiana, U.S.A.
Tipo de Instalaciones  
  • 250,000 ft2
  • Warehousing
  • Manufacturing
  • Material Handling
Timeline RFQ: 2 weeks turnaround Launch: 8 weeks from award date.
Scope of Work
  • Take over supply chain
  • Design subassembly process
  • Develop lot control
  • Transfer lot information to production line
  • Track all design changes
FALCON MANUFACTURING 164 Southpark Blvd Greenwood, IN 46143 Phone: 317-884-3600
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